Hatha Yoga

What is Hatha Yoga at Holisun?

Yoga began in India around 2,000 years ago as a set of spiritual breathing exercises. In Sanskrit (Indian language), Hatha means force. Classical Hatha yoga was developed in the 15th century and the texts include asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing), mudras (hand gestures), and meditation for personal growth spiritually. These texts are studied today to enhance our experience of Yoga, they include Patanjalis Sutras (which are a set of instructions and statements to guide yoga practice).

I am a British Wheel of Yoga trained level 4 teacher and I write a different lesson each week with a specific target in mind. My lessons comprise of grounding with meditation (focus) and breathing exercises to start the mindful practice, the body is then appropriately warmed up in order to safely undertake the postures, before finishing with relaxation (often everyone’s favourite part). We often lay on our backs in a gentle posture (you can use cushions and blankets for comfort) while I guide you through a meditation or read a poem, talk you through a visualisation or enjoy some silence with you. The lesson is usually 60 minutes long.

Hatha Yoga is often considered a gentle yoga, the pace is slow and comfortable with counter-postures throughout to constantly balance the mind and body. The asanas are a series of movements that help improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Poses range in difficulty from lying flat on the floor to physically challenging positions that can be kneeling or standing, to name a few.

Ahimsa means no harm to any living thing, as we are living, we have an obligation to care for ourselves. This means that pain is not good. Using breath, we can improve our strength and flexibility, without hurting ourselves.

All my classes are suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced yogis. If you are new, don’t worry about not knowing what to do, everyone has to start somewhere. The class is very friendly and you will be very welcomed. I offer variations and extensions, as well as adjustments to help you be happy and safe. It is your responsibility to be in control of your body and if something does not feel right, stop and ask. There are many versions of each posture, so an alternative can always be found.

Sometimes we use equipment such as yoga belts or blocks to enhance our practise. Even chairs can be helpful. We also use a yoga non slip mat and practise in bare feet for safety.