
Yoga – my cancer journey

I have been treating patients with cancer for many years with reflexology. I find it is especially helpful when received on the day of a cancer treatment such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy. It can help to relieve the symptoms or negative side effects. It is a gentle treatment without contra indications (this means things that would mean you could not do it), so is relaxing and the gentle touch is soothing at a time when not everything feels nice being done to your body. It can help sleep, anxiety and in improving energy levels.

I myself was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and received regular reflexology treatments plus continued with my daily meditation/yoga practice to help me get through a difficult time and come out positively into a wonderful life, where my thoughts and ideas had shifted/changed. In my experience, Cancer made me stop and think about my time and how I wanted to spend it from that moment on.

Yoga can help physical strength, mobility and flexibility after operations or treatments and help a student feel more empowered over your body, where the medical interventions can leave you feeling unempowered.

Breathing techniques (pranayama) can improve the amount of oxygen in your body and calm the mind and soul, reducing anxiety and worries. Meditation, mindfulness and relaxation can help to reduce stress levels and the unwanted hormones that go along with that, helping to improve sleep patterns and a feeling of being refreshed by it.

Some people find they feel more spiritual and more settled emotionally generally with life, improving the control they feel over their bodies and lives. These things are similar to any general exercise and improvement in diet plus sleeping well.

There are many studies on the effect’s alternative therapies (ones that work alongside the traditional medical treatments offered privately or by the NHS for cancer) such as reflexology or yoga can have on the outcomes of cancer treatments. Nothing has proven that they offer anything concrete. They are not to be used instead of conventional medicine, which has also taken hundreds of years to develop, but they may help as outlined above. There are many reasons someone can get cancer, genetic, environmental, lifestyle choices and emotional triggers such as stress or trauma and I don’t think we know enough to know what conclusively will cure it: everyone’s journey is unique to them! Most of the studies however state that those who practice yoga have better outcomes both in quality of life and better survival rates by managing symptoms better.

It’s your time, so you decide what you want. I can provide any recipe to your needs. All treatments start with a free 15 consultation on first appointment, so we can be sure you will get what you want and need. There are some contraindications to some essential oils or techniques, so it is important that I get an idea of your medical history.